Vaccines for Kittens & Cats

Using effective and safe vaccines to prevent infectious disease in your kitten or cat.

Vaccines are necessary to give your feline companion the right start to their life. Even though it's crucial to vaccinate kittens, as an adult, your cat will still need boosters to maintain immunity. When your cat/kitten is given a vaccine, it introduces a controlled amount of virus to their body which teaches their immune system how to react when exposed to the full-blown disease. Depending on the disease, the vaccine will either prevent the infection or lessen the severity of the infection and promote a faster recovery.

When should my kitten get their first vaccines?

Between 6 to 8 weeks of age, your kitten should have their first vaccines. Your veterinarian will recommend boosters every 4 weeks until they turn 16-weeks-old. When your kitten/cat is enrolled in one of our health care plans, we will make sure they don't miss any doses of their vaccines. Our team will work with you to set appointments and reminders to keep your cat or kitten on track. To have your kitten/cat vaccinated, please call us at 705) 325-4224 to learn more about our health plans.

Which vaccines are recommended for cats and kittens?

There are a number of vaccines that may be recommended for your cat or kitten. Core vaccines are essential for all feline companions and will be given during the kitten series. As your cat gets older, our team will recommend boosters every 1 to 3 years. Here are some vaccines that we may recommend for your loyal companion:

  • Feline distemper (core) - Also known as Panleukopenia, it is present in all excretions (mostly feces) from cats. The virus can be transmitted from one pet to another or by contaminated water, food bowls or clothing. Infected cats can have dehydration, a rough or dry hair coat, depression or they may even collapse.
  • Feline calicivirus (core) - This protects against a virus that causes upper respiratory infections and oral disease in cats. When they have this disease, they typically experience sneezing, conjunctivitis, nasal congestion and discharge from the eyes and nose. Calicivirus is highly contagious and is spread through saliva and or eye and nose secretions.
  • Feline viral rhinotracheitis (core) - this infectious disease is caused by feline herpesvirus type-1. It affects the nose, throat and eyes causing nasal congestion, discharge, or pus from the eyes, squinting and excessive blinking. Your cat or kitten will need antibiotics and eye medication for treatment.
  • Rabies (core) - this disease affects the central nervous system. Your cat or kitten gets infected when they are bitten by a rabid animal or when they encounter infected saliva. This disease can result in death and humans can become infected.
  • Feline Leukemia virus - this is a virus that only affects cats. It weakens their immune systems, and they stay infected for life. This vaccine is recommended based on the lifestyle of your cat and their risk exposure.
  • Feline chlamydia - this protects against a highly contagious disease that resembles herpes conjunctivitis. It is seen in cats of all ages, but kittens and young cats are more vulnerable. Your cat will have swelling and redness around the membranes surrounding their eyelid, discharge from their eyes, fever, loss of appetite and the infection could spread to the lungs and cause fatal pneumonia.

 Are vaccines safe for my kitten or cat?

Many pet owners have doubts about vaccines, but they are completely safe for your loyal companion. Your cat or kitten may have a reaction after they have been vaccinated, but it is short-lived. It's possible that some cats/kittens will have a fever, diarrhea, swelling at the injection site or loss of appetite for 48 hours. These symptoms are minor in comparison to the diseases that vaccines protect your cat/kitten from.

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